Submitting NFTs to Requests

Once an artist designs a piece of NFT art for a Request, they can submit it to the request directly. To do this, first click on the proposal to get into the specific details. From there, click on the Submit Proposal button.

After clicking on the Submit Proposals button, you'll see a new screen that comes up (see below).

In this screen, use the opportunity to provide a descriptive title and description.

After you complete your information, just hit the Submit button. A MetaMask prompt should appear, which will mint your NFT. Congratulations, you minted and submitted your NFT to a request on Creaticles!

When submitting an NFT to a request on Creaticles, you may see two MetaMask transactions; this is expected. The first transaction will mint the NFT, while the second contract will move the NFT into the request.

Last updated