Submitting Requests for NFTs

This section will demonstrate how to create a request for a custom NFT.

A requester can request a custom NFT by going to the Requests page on Creaticles (the link to the Requests page is located at the top of the application).

On the Requests page, click on Create Request to start the process of generating a new request.

In the Create Request page, you will see various options to fill out. To get the best proposals, please be as specific as possible when filling out the text boxes such as Title and Description. More information about these boxes can be found in the table below.

Once you fill out all the details, you can hit the Submit button at the bottom of the page. This will prompt a MetaMask transaction to open up. The transaction will take the total cost of your request and place it in a smart contract. By doing this, you are committing to paying out the winner.

Once you confirm your transaction on MetaMask, the transaction will go through a few confirmations. Once the on-chain confirmations are completed, your request will be live and viewable in the Requests section of the application. Now, artists can view it and submit their art as a proposal to your request.

Congratulations! By now, you should have been able to create your first NFT request!

For more details on how to select a winner, please see Selecting a Winner.

Last updated